Ignition interlock device manufacturers are responsible for determining violations and reporting them to the State of Tennessee Ignition Interlock Program monthly.
You may incur a violation for several reasons; these are removing your ignition interlock device before the end of your requirement, not having your device serviced at least every thirty (30) days, tampering with or attempting to circumvent the device, attempting to start your vehicle with a breath alcohol concentration (BrAC) above .020%, failing a random retest with a breath alcohol concentration above .020%, or skipping a random retest.
Removing, tampering with, or circumventing your ignition interlock device at any time prior to completion of your requirement may result in your 365 days starting over.
High BrAC violations and missed test violations during the final 120 days of your requirement may result in a 120 day extension of the time you are required to maintain the interlock. These violations must be confirmed by photo; you are responsible for ensuring you are in view of the camera during all tests.
If someone else is driving your vehicle and incurs a violation you will not be held responsible if a review of the digital images confirm that you were not driving at the time of the violation.
Should you fail an initial or random test with a high BrAC and you know that you have not been drinking, make sure to provide a passing retest within 10 minutes. This is how your device manufacturer determines that the initial test is invalid and will not count as a violation. If you turn off your vehicle without providing a passing test it will count as a violation. If, for some reason, your device will not allow you to provide another test within 10 minutes, call and report this to your manufacturer, making sure they note your account.
Please review T.C.A. 55-10-425 (c) through (d) for full information on violations.