Determining which ignition interlock law governs your requirement is easy.
If the arrest requiring you to have an interlock device was before July 1, 2016, you fall under 55-10-417, or what we refer to as the "old law."
If the arrest requiring you to have an interlock device was on July 1, 2016 through December 31, 2022, you fall under 55-10-425 effective until January 1, 2023, or what we refer to as the "new law" or "compliance-based removal law", 425A.
If the arrest requiring you to have an interlock device was on January 1, 2023 or after, you fall under 55-10-425 effective on January 1, 2023, or what we refer to as the "new law" or "compliance-based removal law", 425B.
The three laws are attached here for your review.